Gyotoku, Tateo (1862-1945)
Haab, Otto (1850-1931)
Haaf, Gerhard ten (1720-1791)
Habershon, S. H. (1858-1915)
Habrahym. (fl.middle of the 13th century)
Habu, Genseki (1762-1848)
Haddock, Charles W.(1856-1918)
Haessler, Ferdinand Herbert (1890-1965)
Hagen, Sigurd (1885-1938)
Hager, Michael (1795-1866)
Hagino, Ryutaro (1901-1977)
Hagiwara, Hogara (1904-1969)
Haguenot, Henry (1687-1775)
Hahnemann, Christian Friedrich Samuel (1755-1843)
Hairion, Frédéric (1809-1887)
Halberg, Gyula Peter (1915- )
Haldat du Lys, Charles Nicolas Alexander de (1770-1852)
Halifa b. Abil-Mahasan (flourished second half 13th century)
Hall, Geoffry Craythorne (1848-1923)
Hall, John Charles (1816-1876)
Haller, Albrecht von (1708-1777)
Haltenhoff, Georg (1843-1915)
Hamano, Hikaru (1923-)
Hambresin, Léon (1888-1966)
Hamill, John R. (1864-1908)
Hamilton, Frank Hastings (1813-1886)
Hamilton, John Bruce (1901-1968)
Hamilton, Robert
Hamilton, William (Sir William) Rowan (1805-1865)
Hammurabi, The Code of
Hancock, William Ilbert (1874-1910)
Hancook, Henry (1809-1880)
Hanna, Henry (1874-1946)
Hannover, Adolf (1814-1894)
Hansell, Howard Forde (1855-1934)
Hansen-Grut,Edmund (1831-1907)
Harada, Einosuke (1892-1946)
Harcourt, Richard Brian (1934-1987)
Harfitt, Roy (1944-1994)
Harlan, George Cuvier (1835-1909)
Harley, George (1829-1896)
Harman, Nathaniel Bishop (1869-1945)
Harms, Clemens (1875-1915)
Harnisch, Friedrich Curt (1860-1918)
Harper, John (? – 1831)
Harrington, David Oliver (1904-1990)
Hart, Ernest ( 1835-1898)
Hartridge, Gustavus (1850-1923)
Hartshorne, Edward (1818-1885)
Hartsoeker, Nicolas (1656-1725)
Harun, A Q S M (1936- )
Hasbrouck, Sayer (1860-1919)
Hasegawa, Eiichi (1936- )
Hasner, Joseph, Ritter von Artha (1819-1892)
Hata, Bunpei (1890-1964)
Hauksbee see Hawksbee
Häuy, Valentin. (1745-1822)
Havers, Clopton
Hawksbee, also Hauksbee, Francis (? – c.1713)
Hay, Gustavus (1830-1908)
Hay, Percival John (1875-1943)
Hayano, Ryuzo (1881-1961)
Hayano, Saburo (1923- )
Hayasaka, Seiji (1944- )
Hayashi, Fumihiko (1925- )
Hayashi, Yuzo (1891-1991)
Hayden, Thomas ( ? -1881)
Hayreh, Sohan Singh (1927- )
Hays, Isaac (1796-1879)
Heath, Frederick Carroll (1857-1918)
Heberden, William (1710-1801)
Hecht, Selig (? – 1947)
Hecker, Carl Friedrich Franz (1812-1878)
Hecquet, Philippe (1661-1737)
Heed, Thomas D. (1875-1957)
Heermann, G. (1807-1844)
Hegar, Johann August (1794-1882)
Heiberg, Hjalmar (1837-1897)
Heidenreich, Friedrich Wilhelm (1798-1857)
Heineken, Philipp Cornelius (1789-?)
Heisrath, Friedrich (? -1904)
Heister, Elias Friedrich
Heister, Lorenz (1683-1758)
Heitz, Robert Fernand (1932- )
Helfgott, Maxwell A. (1947- )
Helling, Georg Lebrecht Andreas (1763-1840)
Hellman, Johann Caspar (1736-1793)
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von (1821-1894)
Helveston, Eugene McGillis (1934- )
Henderson, Edward Erskine (1870-1929)
Henderson, John Woodworth (1916- )
Henderson,Thomson (1877-1960)
Henkind, Paul (1932-1986)
Henle, Friedrich Gustav (1809-1885)
Henning, Friedrich (1767-1840)
Henry the Minstrel (1361-?)
Henry, Thomas (1734-1816)
Hensen, Victor (1835-1924)
Hentschel Klaus (? )
Hepburn, James Curtis (1815-1911)
Hepburn, Malcolm Langton (1866-1942)
Herbert, Herbert Lieut.-Colonel I.M.S. (1865-1942)
Hering, Ewald (1834-1918)9
Hermann, Ludimar (1838-1914)9
Hermans, Georges (1939- )9
Hermans, René (1905-1982)9
Herophilus ( c.300 B.C.)
Herschel, Caroline Lucretia (1750-1848)
Herschel, John (Sir John) Frederick William (1792-1871)
Herschel, William (Sir William) (1738-1822)
Hersing, Friederich Wilhelm (? -?)
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf (1857-1894)
Hess, Carl von (1863-1923)
Hess, Wilhelm (1831-1905)
Hesselbach, Adam Kaspar (1788-1856)
Heuermann, Georg (1723*-1768)
Heusinger, Johann Christian Friedrich Karl (1792-1883)
Hewkley, Frank (1861-1942)
Hewson, Thomas (1783-1831)
Hey, William (1736-1819)
Heydt, Robert von der (1875-1946)
Heyfelder, Johann Ferdinand (1798-1869)
Heyfelder, Oscar (1828-1890)
Heyl, Albert Gallatin (1847- ?)
Heymann, Friedrich Moritz (1828-1870)
Heymans, Corneel (1892-1968)
Hida, Tetsuo (1948- )
Hidaka, Akira (1862-1927)
Higgins, Charles (1846-1920)
Highmore, Nathaniel (1613-1685)
Hildreth, Joseph Sullivan (1832-1870)
Hilliard, Walter (1845-1915)
Himly, Carl (1772-1837)
Hine, Montague Leonard (1883-1967)
Hioki, Ryuuichi (1910-1987)
Hippel, Arthur von (1841-1916)
Hippel, Eugen von (1867-1939)
Hire, P. de la (1640-1718)
Hiroishi, Makoto (1925-1991)
Hirosawa, Kazushige (1938- )
Hirose, Kinnosuke (1896-1996)
Hirose, Tatsuo (1936-)
Hirota, Kyoemon (1860-1923)
Hirota, Toshio (1891-1972)
Hirsch, August (1817-1894)
Hirschberg, Julius (1843-1925)
Hirschler, Ignacz (1823-1891)
Hirtenstein, Arnost (1909-1986)
His, Wilhelm (1831-1904)
Hiwatari, Shogo (1916-)
Hjort, Johan Storm Aubert (1835-1905)
Ho, Chi-Kin (1953- )
Hobbs, Henry Edwin (1910-1990)
Hock, Jakob (1831-1890)
Hocken, Edward Octavius (?-?)
Hodgson, Joseph (1788-1869)
Hoeve, J. van der (1878-1952)
Hofmann, Moritz (1622-1698)
Hogan, Michael John (1907-1976)
Hogg, Jabez (1817-1899)
Hoin, Jean Jacques Louis (1720-1772)
Holden, Brien Anthony (1942- )
Holland, Henri (Sir Henry) Tristram (1875-1965)
Holloway, Thomas B. (? –1936)
Hollows, Frederick Cossom (1929-1993)
Holmes, Christian Rastus (1857-1920)
Holmes, Edward Lorenzo (1828-1900)
Holmes, Gordon (Sir Gordon) Morgan (1876-1965)
Holmes, William John (1911-1989)
Holmgren, Alaric Frithiof (1831-1897)
Holth, Soren (1863-1937)
Holthouse, Carsten (1810-1890)
Holthouse, Edwin Hermus (1855-1949)
Homans, John (1836-1902)
Home, Everard (1756-1832)
Honda, Yoshihito (1939- )
Hong, Soon Kak (1921- )
Hong, Suk Hoo (1883-1940)
Hong, Young Jae (1946- )
Honmura, Sachiko (1938- )
Hooke, Robert (1635-1703)
Hooper, Robert (? – 1835)
Hoor Karoly (1858-1927)
Hoorens, Antoine (1884-1960)
Hope-Robertson, Walter James (1901-1958)
Hopkins, Woolsey (1868-1900)
Hoppe, Johann Ignaz (1811-1891)
Hori, Manao (1860-1929)
Hori, Sadanao (1888-1922)
Hori, Sadao (1946- )
Horiguchi, Masayuki (1956- )
Höring, Carl Friedrich von
Höring, Friedrich von (1792-1867)
Höring, Gottlob Friedrich (1813-1844)
Hornblass, Albert (1939- )
Horner, Johann Friedrich (1831-1886)
Horner, William Edmonds (1793-1853)
Horrocks, Jeremiah (1619-1641)
Horstman, Karl (1847-1912)
Hosack, David (1769-1835)
Hosaka, Akio (1926- )
Hotz, Ferdinand Carl (1843-1908)
Hovius, Jacob (c.1675-1740)
Howard, Henry (1815-1889)
Howe, Andrew Jackson (1825-1892)
Howe, Lucien (1848-1929)
Howe, Samuel Gridley
Hoyack, Ernestus Fredericus (1826-1868)
Hoyt, William Fletcher (1926- )
Hu, Cheng (1915- )
Hubais. Arabian ophthalmologist
Hubbell, Alvin Allace (1846-1911)
Huber, Alfred (1918- )
Huber, Francis (1750-1831)
Hudson, Arthur Cyril (1875-1962)
Hueck, Alexander Friedrich (1802-1842)
Hueter, Karl Christoph (1803-1857)
Huggins, William (Sir William) (1824-1910)
Hughes, Wendell L. (1900-1994)
Hui, Yan-Nian (1943- )
Hulke, John Whitaker (1830-1895)
Hunain (808-873 A. D.) His full Arabic name is Abu Z.aid Hunain b. Ishaq al lbadi
Hung, Por T. (1934-)
Hunter, James (? – ?)
Hunter, John (1728-1793)
Hutchinson, Jonathan (1859-1933)
Hutchinson, Jonathan (Sir Jonathan) (1828-1913)
Hutchison, Edwin (1840-1887)
Huygens, Christian (1629-1695)