Repka, Michael X. (1954- )
Reuling, George (1839-1915)
Reuss, Adolf (1804-1878)
Reuss, August, Ritter von (1841-1924)
Reveillé-Parise, Joseph Henri (1782-1852)
Rewson, Adinell (1820-1889)
Reybard, Jean François (1790-1863)
Reyes-Noche, Rosie M. (1944-)
Reyling, Frederick Thomas(1859-1920)
Reymond, Carlo (1833-1911)
Reynolds, Dudley Sharpe (1842-1915)
Reynolds, Edward (1793-1881)
Rhazes see Ar-Razi
Rhee, Sang Wook (1931-)
Rhoads, George (1859-1912)
Riberi, Alessandro
Richter, August Gottlieb (1742-1812)
Ridley, Nicholas Charles (1863-1937)
Ridley, Nicholas Harold Lloyd (Sir Harold)
Riehm, Wolfgang (1896-1971)
Rigal, Jean Jacques (1755-1823)
Rinecker, Franz von (1811-1883)
Ring C. Calvin (1910 -1998)
Ring, G. Oram (1861-1933)
Riseley, Stanley (1868-1915)
Risley, Samuel Doty (1845-1920)
Ritch, Robert (1944- )
Ritterich, Friedrich Phillipp (1782-1866)
Rittmann, Alexander (1827-1882)
Rivaud-Landrau, Louis (1817-1874)
Rivaud-Landrau, Paul
Rivers, Edmund C (1858-1915)
Rivière, Lazare (1589-1655)
Rizal y Mercado, Jose (1861-1924)
Roaf, H.E. (1881-1952)
Roaldes, Arthur Washington de (1849-1918)
Robert, Professor (19th century)
Roberts, Bernard Hamilton St.Clair see St.Clair Roberts
Robertson, Charles Archibald (1829-1880)
Robertson, Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll (1837-1909)
Robertson, John Argyll (18th c.)
Robin, Albert (1847-1928)
Rochon-Duvigneaud, André (1863-1952)
Rodger, Anderson (? – 1909)
Rodgers, John Kearney (1793-1851)
Rodriguez, Juan Sixto (2nd half 18th century)
Rohault, Jacques (17th century)
Rohrschneider, Wilhelm (1895-1966)
Rolando, Lorenzo
Rolfinck, Werner (1599-1673)
Romaine, Hunter H. (1910-1968)
Romano, Paul Edward (1934- )
Rones, Benjamin (1902-1984)
Rönne, Henning (1878-1947)
Roosa, Daniel Bennett St. John (1838-1908)
Roosbroeck, Jean Julien van (1810-1869)
Roose, Arthur (1860-1918)
Roper, Kenneth L. (1898-1984)
Rosas, Anton (1791-1855)
Rosenwasser, George Otto Daniel (1957- )
Roser, Wilhelm (c.1817-1888)
Rosmini, Giovanni (1832-1896)
Ross, Gustav (1818-1861)
Ross, James Alexander (1881-1965)
Rosset, Moses John de (1838-1881)
Rosset, Otto (1790-1859)
Rossi, Vincenzo (? – 1948)
Rothmund, August von (1830-1906)
Rothmund, Franz Christoph von (1801- ?)
Rousille de Chamseru. see Chamseru
Roustan, Fé1ix Marie Gabriel (1849-1885)
Roux, Philibert Joseph (1780-1854)
Rowland, Henry Augustus (1848-1901)
Rowley, William (1743-1806)
Rubbrecht, Raphael (1874-1955)
Rubinstein, Kazimierz (1916-1985)
Rucker, Charles Wilbur (1900-1991)
Rudall, James Thomas (1828 – 1907)
Ruedemann, Sr., Albert Darwin (1897-1971)
Ruete, Christian Georg Theodor (1810-1867)
Rufus of Ephesus (early 2nd century)
Ruggieri, Cesare (1768-1828)
Ruprecht, Klaus W. (1940- )
Rust, Johann Nepomuk (1775-1840)
Rutnin, Uthai (1929-1992)
Rutten, Louis (1856-1923)
Ruysch, Fredrik (1638-1731)
Ryba, Joseph Ernst (1795-1856)
Rycroft, Peter Vere (1928-1968)
Rycroft, Sir Benjamin William (1902-1967)
Sabatier, Raphael-Bienvenu L (1732-1811)
Sachs, Albert (1803-1835)
Sadid b. Raqiqa (1168-1237)
Sadili see As-Sadili
Saemisch, Edwin Theodor (1833-1909)
Saint-Yves, Charles de (1667-1733)
Saishin, Mototsugu (1934- )
Saito, Takuma (1932- )
Sakai, Shizu (1935- )
Sakaue, Ei (1923- )
Sakimoto Takashi (1936- )
Sakuragi Shozo (1937- )
Sakurai (Kitagawa) Tsuya (1911-1995)
Salah ad-din ibn Jusuf al-kahhal bi-Hamat
Salceda, Salvador Rances (1932-)
Salim Isak (1911- ?)
Sallmann, Ludwig J. K. von (1892-1975)
Salomon, Christian
Salomon, Jakob (1801-1862)
Salomon, Max (1837-1912)
Salter, Richard Wash (?- 1918)
Salzmann, Maximilian (1862-1954)
Samelsohn, Julius (1841-1899)
Samelson, Adolf (1817-1888)
Sampaolesi, Roberto ( 1925 – )
Samuels, Bernard (1879-1959)
Sancto Paulo, Johannes de see John of St. Paul
Sandford, Arthur Wellesley (1858-1938)
Sanitprachakorn Panom (1931- )
Sanson, Louis Joseph, (1790-1841)
Santa Anna, Joaqim José de
Santos, Sabino S. Sr. (1925- )
Sarenko, Wassili (1814- ?)
Sargent, Elizabeth (? – 1900)
Sasaki, Kazuyuki (1935- )
Sasaki, Toichiro (1905-1980)
Sato Tikasi (1914- )
Sato, Tsutomu (1902-1960)
Satoh, Kenshi (1930- )
Sattler, Hubert (1844-1928)
Saunders, John Cunningham (1773-1810)
Saurel, Louis Jules (1825-1860)
Savage, Giles Christopher (1854-1930)
Savaresi, Antonio M. T.(late 18th century)
Sawa Mitsuru (1948- )
Sawada Atsushi (1932- )
Sawaguchi, Shoichi (1955- )
Say, Antonio S. (1950- )
Scarpa, Antonio (1752-1832)
Schacher, Polycarp Gottlieb (1674-1737)
Schaeffer, Johann Gottlieb (1720-1795)
Schalling, Jacob (1587- c.1620)
Schauenburg, Karl Hermann (1819-1876)
Scheffler, Hermann (1820-1903)
Scheie Harold G. (1909-1990)
Scheiner, Christoph (1575-1650)
Schell, Henry S. (1835-1890)
Schelske, Ludwig Eduard Rudolf (1830- )
Schenck von Grafenberg, Johannes (1530-1598)
Schepens, Charles L. (1912- )
Schevensteen, Auguste see Van Scheventeen
Schiess-Gemuseus, H. (1833-1914)
Schiferli, Rudolph Abraham (1773-1837)
Schiff-Wertheimer, Suzanne (1895-1958)
Schindler, Heinrich Bruno (1797-1859)
Schirmer, Rudolph (1831-1896)
Schlagintweit, Wilhelm August Joseph (1792-1854)
Schleich, Gustav (1851-1928)
Schmidt, Johann Adam (1759-1809)
Schmidt-Rimpler, Hermann (1838-1915)
Schmucker, Johann Leberecht (1712-1786)
Schnabel, Isidor (1842-1908)
Schneideman, Theodore B. (1861-1931)
Schneider, Eugen (1795-1874)
Schneller, Moritz (1834-1896)
Schober, Herbert (1905-1975)
Schöbl, Josef (1837-1902)
Schoeler, Heinrich Leopold (1844-1918)
Schoen, Johann Matthias Albrecht (1800-1870)
Schoen, Wilhelm (1848-1917)
Schoenlein, Johann Lucas (1793-1864)
Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860)
Schott, Gaspar (1608-1666)
Schreger, Christian Heinrich Theodor (1768-1833)
Schroeter Paul Julius (1840-1930)
Schubert ( ? – 1885)
Schubert, Paul (1849-1905)
Schulek, Vilmos (1843—1905)
Schultze, Emil August Wilhelm (1840-1924)
Schultze, Max Johann Sigismund (1825-1874)
Schurig, Martin (? – 1733)
Schuster, Michael Philip (1860-1918)
Schwalbe, Gustav Albert (1844-1916)
Schwartz, Bernard (1927- )
Schwarz, Otto (1859-1931)